
N-Scale in Austin, Texas

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to join AustNtrak?

Membership to AustNtrak costs $20 for a lifetime membership. There is only one way to get out of the club. 

What sort of organization do you have?

Very little. We have no officers, so no elections etc. We have one person who accepts membership fees and show payments and keeps track of our money. Every now and then he publishes a list of what we've received, what we've spent and what's left.

When and where do you meet?

We have no formal meetings.  Much of our planning is done online via our group.  Occasionally we get together for lunch at a convenient restaurant or even just standing around at McNeil so we can talk and watch trains.

How long has AustNtrak been in existence.

AustNtrak was formed in January of 1986 and has been in continual existence since then.  We started with a different name but adopted our current name when we broke away from our original sponsor.

© copyright AustNtrak 2017